Firstly the girl with amazing hair waltzing down the street like Beyoncé under an air fan… has had her hair blown out!
Yes she’s lucky to have the time and money and it’s something you might only associate with stepford wives and every celebrity going, but why can’t it be for you too?
You could try at home yourself to replicate a salon finish. But this will leave you several hours out of your day, stressed and horrible arm ache. Or .. bite the bullet and book in for the luxury that is a professional blow dry. I’m know for many of us it’s something we’ll only consider when we’re getting the full cut colour shebang but here’s the thing.. when I do someone’s make up for either a special event or wedding, not only do they look and feel incredible, I’ve also removed that element of stress or having to think about their makeup look.
Whenever I’ve had my hair blown out professionally, I literally move into a ‘demi goddess boss girl type like state’! Next time you have an important meeting/job interview/date/event or just need a boost, give it a whirl. Plan your outfit, your look and get down the salon, it’s not as expensive as you might think, can last a few days and the effect to your confidence will be immeasurable!

The go to quintessential hair hack that means you’re ready for any eventuality?! Except the messy ‘I just got outta bed head look bun’ isn’t that spontaneous… a hairdresser recently admitted to me that the much requested undone look actually takes more prep than any perfect do.
Here’s my secret… I keep a hair tie on my wrist (black to match my outfit!) Or I just slip it under my watch to hide it. I also slide 3 Kirby grips under my hair line at the nape of my neck while my hair is down. I’m now armed with 1 tie and 3 pins which is all you need to get you through a multitude of updos. Task that needs your hair off your face .. up do! From casual to meeting… up do! Annoying hairstyle chameleon who flits between 3 styles a day … up do (then down do etc)!
I also carry dry shampoo & really strong hair spray with me. I’m talking old school hair lacquer here.. textured almost sticky to get some extra oomph when needed.
I’ve been dying my hair since I was 13, so we’re talking 25 years now… & I’ve not a flipping clue what my real hair colour is! I actually don’t care but I also know I have no intention of going grey, ever! Okay, maybe if I could rock the current silver trends?! I get this is a decision and a choice and certainly one that could change with the years and vanity, but right now, my preference is Joan Collins Over Judy Dench. #notsorry
I’m going through a phase of spending 3 hours a go to have my hair dyed, to make it look like I don’t dye my hair! Not crazy… sticking to what nature intended is always going to suit your colouring. Another plus is that colouring my hair actually improves the texture by swelling the hair shafts and drying out any greasy locks. If your hair’s lacking or looking a bit flat more often than not. .. Maybe consider a colour!
I heavily rely on life hacks for my job. Appointments, meetings and impromptu coffees, means my look can change throughout the day and I’m nearly always getting ready on the go. I’ve absolutely no shame in using my car as dressing room and will regularly do the A19 with hair rollers in. I also keep a bag of 6 Velcro rollers in the car and a clip on light to attach to the drop down mirror. If your hair’s looking a bit flat on route to an event try this…
Douse your hair in strong hold hairspray (apologise to your companions) put 4 hair rollers in your hair line at the front and 2 at the crown on top. More hair spray and ramp up the car heating (again apologise to anyone else in the car ) 10 mins as hot as you can cope with … then switch off and allow yourself and the car to cool. A touch of dry shampoo & a little shuzzh and flick & you’ll be rocking big hair on arrival.
When in desperate need I have fallen back on these little hacks too…
.In the 90s I regularly did the slicked back vogue look with hand soap in the public bathrooms if there was no gel to hand! Only and only when your hair needs washing and there isn’t an alternative.
.Hair piece… your pony tail is more of a fluffy stump? Even highstreet drug stores now sell some very convincing pieces and hair clip ons which can be added to your look in seconds. Just make sure it’s a good colour match.
.Ath Leisure… & in the depths of hair despair I’ve even put a baseball cap on it and done the sports influencer chic when stood inline at Starbucks! #eyeroll
Give these a go, definitely plan a blow-dry and let me know how you get on. I would also love to hear your own tips, tricks and hacks.
So what next…
I’ve put together a series of blogs and a whole resource library of freebies to help you out. Have a click, its FREE…

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Much love,
Anna Cordelia x

Awarded MUA | Wedding Boss | Chunky Chocolate Consumer